Friday, July 27, 2012

Good Bye

There is a house closing going on this morning.  Right now as a matter of fact. A home is being sold.  An old family home.  It is a home that saw the birth of children, the scraped knees, the bountiful meals, the leaving home to fight in wars or marry or join a convent.  It is ordinary in every respect except for one thing.  It carries the memories of a particular family.

There are a few remaining old pine trees in the back yard.  Approximately 80 years ago one was planted for each child.  The walls  heard tell of the youngest child running away from school one day.  He had to make it to the train depot no matter what his teacher or his parents said.  Ignoring Dad's order to stay at school, he arrived in time to say goodbye to his favorite brother.  The brother was leaving for WWII and never came home.

The house probably heard the sobs of that young boy the day he was delivering  newspapers and found out his brother had died.  No one told him.  He read it in the daily paper.  The house witnessed grandkids coming to stay a few days in the 50s and 60s.  It witnessed the failing health of the parents, their passing, and the youngest child's inheritance of the house.

Now it is empty.  Every last item removed, every photograph, every dish, even the electric beer sign over the kitchen sink.  

It was not a perfect family.  What family is?  In fact, it holds dark secrets.  Yet, it also holds laughter and joy and love.  

Everyone has passed away.  Everyone who would want to live there is gone.  The wood and the walls, the basement and stairs will belong to another family.   And our family's time there has come to an end.  

Good bye old house.  Thanks for the memories.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful and touching blog post! So true!
