Sunday, February 3, 2013

The last time I was inspired to blog, I couldn't get here.  Yes.  This is me through and through - I've become my mother (sorry mom).  Why is it that as I get older I find myself less willing to figure out technology?  Or unable to?

Before I was married I worked as an Administrative Assistant at Iowa Children's and Family Services.  This was in the dark ages.  Being a non-profit meant our equipment was often from the dark ages.  Case in point, we had a switchboard telephone system like Lily Tomlin used.  (I'm huffing on my fingernails at this point because I know how to use one.  Yep.  I'll sign autographs later).  Because everything was so behind the times I actually had the "opportunity" to use some sort of a dinosaur pre-computer to record minutes from meetings.  It was loud and clunky and so not today.  But there was a definite learning curve required to use it and I got to it, without any help, and figured it out.  It was a challenge.

Fast forward.  Christmas, 2012.  Dear hubby surprised me with an ipod touch.  I didn't ask for it.  I'm still not sure what all it can do.  I'm even thrown with it's name.  Is it an ipod or an ipad?  It has been sitting around the house for over a month and I still am looking at it sideways, wondering if the benefits of figuring it out are equal to the chore of learning how to use it.  Guess what I did?  I asked a daughter of a friend to teach me how to use it.  Uh huh.  There's no shame in this!  I've earned the right to let others do the hard work, right?  When I was younger, I did it for the old folks.  Sigh.  (May I insert here that I have a good reason for some of the delay in learning how to use it.  I can't read the small print!!!!  Argh!  The girl who used to thread needles for her mother needs a magnifying glass for her ipod.  I actually have a magnifying glass which I used for a few days before purchasing reading glasses.)

This is fast becoming a diatribe on aging, isn't it?

But technology IS changing so fast none of us can hardly keep up with it.  Each time I am ready for a new cell phone, there is another learning curve.  The last time I was at the phone store I realized simple little cell phones seem to being going the way of the incandescent light bulb.  Now you need a smart phone or other gadgets even higher in "intelligence" than the smart phone.  It's an old joke, but fits here.  Just give me a dumb phone and no one gets hurt.

All this to say I'm here!  I made it back to my blog.  What shall I write?